The Adopt-A-Cookstove team consists of the Bren School for Environmental Science & Management professors and graduate students with expertise in research, business, and sustainability
Hi, my name is Sangwon Suh I am a Professor of industrial ecology at the Bren School and am the project manager for the adopt-a-cookstove project. In addition to my work as a professor, I was appointed as a member of the International Resource Panel (IRP) by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and served as the Coordinating Lead Author of the Assessment Report 5 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Hi, my name is Ilayda Dinc. I’m a Master’s student specializing in Corporate Management with a focus in Strategic Communications & Media. I’m the project coordinator and I have been overseeing the communication between the project team and local program officers. I joined World Dance for Humanity’s Rwanda trip in 2019, surveyed locals and distributed the first batch of clean cookstoves.
Hi, my name is Teresa Fukuda and I am a Master’s student specializing in Corporate Environmental Management. I enjoy long walks on the beach and calculating and exploring carbon emissions reductions. In this project, I am part of the research and funding team, working on grant writing, topical research, and general support.
Ilayda Dinc
Dr. Sangwon Suh
Teresa Fukuda
Project Manager
Project Coordinator
Researcher & Grant Writer
Hi, my name is Eamon Devlin. I’m a Master’s student specializing in Corporate Management with a focus in Strategic Communications & Media. Before this I got an MBA from the University of Oxford, so for this project I’ve been part of the business development team, creating our business strategy and working with the communications team to help everyone learn about what we are doing here!
Hi, my name is Yirui Zhang. I’m a Master’s student specializing in Corporate Management with a focus in Strategic Communications & Media. I am passionate about carbon management and energized by scaling sustainability strategies that make positive impacts. In this project, I am part of the research team, working on spatial modeling and land use analysis.
Hi, my name is Yingfei (Ted) Jiang. My specializations are Energy & Climate and Economics and Politics of the Environment. I am interested in using data-driven approaches to make production systems more sustainable. As the data analyst in this project, I am working on analyzing the life cycle of different technologies and their corresponding carbon emissions.

Eamon Devlin
Yirui Zhang
Yingfei (Ted) Jiang
Business Development
Data Analyst
Hello! My name is Tyanna Bui and I am Specializing in Corporate Management with a Focus in Strategic Communications & Media. I am a part of the communications and branding team of this project along with Eamon & Max where my roles are particularly focused in conducting customer research, designing the website, and creating graphic visuals.